our team
«Not Only Bears» - платформа, созданная фанатами путешествий для опытных и начинающих путешественников.
Konstantin Sud
Proponent of independent travel without guides and "package tours.
IT director of Not Only Bears, an Internet marketer. In 2014, he started his career at Ponominalu as technical director of the online publication Sova. Worked in the international IT-consulting company "Columbus". Participated in the creation of a startup of personalized outdoor advertising in the company Cerebro (Israel). Heads the web-development agency "K. Sud Agency".
Alexandra Unger
I am in love with traveling in Russia and the nature of the Russian south.
Editor-in-chief and author of the Not Only Bears portal, journalist, writer, and photographer. Co-author of two books and a series of popular science articles on practical psychology. Awarded for her contribution to the development of the literary Russian language. From 2016 to 2022 she headed the PR-service of the Institute for Effective Training and Professional Standards. Developed and conducted master classes for students and employees of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.